There are over 700 brothels in the city of Athens.
There are no reputable statistics for the number of women prostituting themselves in studios, by the side of the roads, and from bars across the city.
"Sex workers" in the city include victims of human trafficking, addicts with no other hope of survival, underage refugees, and people forced into it by financial need or abusive partners.
Women who have been trafficked suffer physical, mental, emotional and spiritual trauma - from rape, beatings, verbal and physical abuse, mind games, manipulation and voodoo.
to offer opportunities and support to women who have escaped situations of abuse, exploitation, human trafficking or prostitution
to provide legal jobs for these women, in a safe environment where employees can readjust to the normal world of work
to provide opportunities for training and personal development so the women can develop their skills and eventually transition into employment .
Ek Neou is a legally registered faith based non-profit company. Ek Neou projects are run by a combination of paid staff and unpaid volunteers, from Greece and abroad, our numbers include people with backgrounds in anti-trafficking work, teaching, and business as well as other relevant experience. All Ek Neou staff believe that every person is unique and deserving of respect and dignity.